Sunday, 26 June 2011

My New Mission!

Hello All 

Hopefully more than a few will stumble across this tiny speck of a "blog" in the midst and grandeur of the professional bloggers out there and find it mildly interesting!

I love scouring the web for new blogs - I particularly look for blogs featuring beauty product reviews (always helpful when pondering and contemplating new products- especially fake tan - it's a mine field out there in the land of DHA's, and when somebody finds a safe route it is always best practice to follow in their footsteps to stay tango-free!).

I'm also Vintage - mad/crazy/obsessive - therefore love vintage blogs, website and the odd charity shop, to find a unique and quirky item that no-one else (or at least only a select few others) have come across.  

I've had a really busy year so far and will inform of my adventures in other blog posts - as a teaser these range from trying to source my ideal hair colour, new fringes, holiday body hang ups, boot camp experiences, being completely stressed over college work and attempting the National 3 Peak Challenge! 

For the time being though, let's just say I now feel I have enough time to concentrate on blogging and  you could say it's my new project.  I will just be sharing my experiences and hopefully my blogs/rants*/reviews/thoughts/opinions and basically just general rambles will entertain and inform readers as much as I enjoy the blogs I follow (I will list my faves in a blog post and will be welcoming suggestions of others too! The more the merrier and all that , Jazz).  

*Must put a pre-warning out there that there may more than likely be a more than comfortable amount of rants - I mainly get peeved on a daily basis - but I promise to not blog-rant daily.  I may save all my daily rants and maybe do a "Sunday Special" as a round up of the weeks annoyances all in one weekly post? Anyway I'll see how that goes.  

But mainly expect beauty blogs - don't you just hate it when people don't share their beauty tips?!?! - It's as if people want to keep all the little secrets/top tips/best products to themselves so they stay beautiful whilst I hobble around looking rank trying to find the answer to my beauty dilemmas! So I would accept your top tips and thoughts and reviews on products too :)

So a big welcome and Thank You to all reading this please return for more blog posts - only if you enjoy it though and if you do please tell others about Love-Leigh Leigh and soon I will be Best Blogger of the Universe!!!

Muchos Gracias!


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