Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Primark Jewellery Storage

I'm always rearranging and organising my make up, jewellery,clothes, accessories etc so believe me I was slightly? filled with joy/excitement when I noticed, in Primark, for £3.00, a hanging multi-compartment, double-sided jewellery organiser...

My previous jewellery storage consisted of 1 jewellery box and various cosmetic bags with items in, then I moved onto stacked boxes containing my jewellery, then the boxes ended up at the bottom of a wardrobe, amongst the shoes (many shoes), which was rather inconvenient, then the boxes transferred into a drawer below my make up drawer.....(bit of a mess I know)

But once I was introduced to these hanging jewellery organisers I got to relocating my jewellery into them..and it brought great joy to my Monday night last night!

how do you store your jewellery at the mo?

Love Leigh Leigh xx


  1. i have these, they're blummin awesome! i actually have 3, one for jewellery, one for belts and other jazz and one for nail polishes!

  2. Argh didnt even think of using them for nail varnish! another trip to Primy is on the books! would storing make up work???? xx

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